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The Knock

As long as we have been married, we have been talking about adoption. It is something that has been on our hearts for almost nine years now, but whenever we looked into it over the years, the timing just did not seem right or the door closed. In the fall of this year, the Lord put it on our hearts again so we prayed. And prayed. And prayed. And finally we found the courage to knock on this door that seems so very gigantic to us.

So, after much praying, we nervously sent in our application to the adoption agency a few days ago. Yesterday, we got the news. It is official! We have been accepted into an adoption program for Uganda! It was the sweetest moment. The little ladies and I had just sat down, in the morning, to pray for the day and Elliette, our three year old, prayed for the adoption. Not even a minute after she said her cute, little prayer the phone rang with the news that we were accepted! We have a long journey ahead of us, but are so thrilled to finally begin and see what God has in store for us!


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